Sunday, March 17, 2013

Habemus Papam!

The first Latin American...the first Jesuit...the first Francis...

Jorge Bergoglio has a lot to live up to.  But what I have heard about him so far, he seems to be the right one for the job.

Last Wednesday we were just finishing up the noon dishes when a rumor spread that there had been white smoke.  Our TV room is on 2nd floor above the kitchen so we left the silverware behind and dashed up the stairs to see what was happening on TV.  (A couple of sisters on the dish crew nobly stayed back to at least dry the silverware and put it away...they did feel a bit abandoned but Pope Fever had taken hold.

When we got up there the TV reporters were saying it would be at least another 50 minutes before the new pope appeared.   Whew...all that excitement and then...waiting....

I plunked myself down in a chair to wait and listen to all the filler commentary.  I found myself glad and proud to be a Catholic as I looked out on St. Peter's Square and saw the crowds braving rain and cold weather to welcome the new pope.  "What other faith tradition has something like this?" I asked myself.  And what other faith would command such media coverage?  

I also found myself feeling sorry for the poor man who was now getting vested in the white robes of the pontiff.  I found myself praying silently in my heart for whoever it was.  What a load to carry!  So much scandal to deal with.  Nobody can ever be trained to be in charge of 1.2 billion people.  

When the cardinal came out and announced THE name, I couldn't make out anything recognizable as a name or a country.   I noticed the translators on TV didn't even translate it right away.   Our Sr. Lynn, who does not speak Italian, managed to be the first to figure it out.  I was pleased to have a non-European man selected and very pleased by the name of Francis.  

When he first appeared on the balcony I couldn't understand why he just 'stood there.'  "Why isn't he waving or gesturing to the crowd?" I thought to myself.   But then I thought, "What would you do if thousands of people were all looking at you?"  I would be like a deer stuck in the headlights.

Francis is a dangerous name to take - it's hard to live up to that one which is probably why no pope has ever picked it before.  

I just read where he spoke 'off the cuff' at his first Sunday window appearance and earlier that morning made an impromptu appearance before the public from a side gate of the Vatican, startling passers-by and prompting cheers, before delivering a six minute homily at St. Anna's, the Vatican's tiny parish church.  His security detail is not going to like this kind of activity, I'm sure!

The headlines at this time about the church are mostly about our new pope and generally positive.  In a short time this will be forgotten and other news will be fresher and more titillating.  The headlines will emphasize the scandals in our church again.  Or they will express how disappointed people are that the new pope isn't changing the teachings on abortion, gay marriage, etc.   

I plan to keep on praying for Pope Francis and for the Holy Spirit to guide him as he takes on this unimaginable job.

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